Sunday, March 14, 2010

Word Processing.

Word processing is the creation of documents using a word processor. Also, it can refer to advanced shorthand techniques sometimes used in specialized contexts with a specially modified typewriter.

Word processing is the most common computer application and in order to perform it, a computer, a special program called a word processor and a printer is needed. It is also used for communication and collaboration.

A word processor allows the user to create documents, store it electronically on a disk and display it on a screen. The user is also able to modify documents by entering commands and characters from the keyboard and print it using a printer.

Some examples of word processing software include, Microsoft Word, Lotus WordPro, Word Perfect and Office.orgWriter. These software products are quite sophisticated and expensive and many of the things the user will use can also be found in free software such as Microsoft Word Pad which is part of Microsoft Windows standard installation. Free software can be either downloads from the web or a cover disks with magazines.

Even though word processors vary considerably, they all have the following basic features:

1) Insert and Delete text - allows the user to put in and take out text anywhere in the document.
2) Cut and Paste - allows the user to remove or cut information from any part of a document and place it somewhere else.
3) Copy - allows the user to duplicate information from a document.
4) Page size and margins - allows user to select page sizes and margins while word processor will automatically fit it to it's new page dimensions.
5) Search and replace - allows user to use word processor to search a word or phrase. Also the user can direct the word processor to replace one group of characters with another everywhere that the first group appears.
6) Word wrap - word processor automatically goes to a new line when the previous line is filled and also fix text to suit if margins change.
7) Print - allows the user to send typed documents to the printer in order to receive a hard copy.

Nevertheless, most word processors have support additional features that enable the user to manipulate and format documents in more sophisticated ways and they are sometimes called full-featured word processors.

Like any other software, there are both advantages and disadvantages in using word processing.

Some of the advantages are as follows:

1) Erasing information, fixing mistakes and editing text is easy and no use of an eraser.
2) Automatic spell/grammar check.
3) Documents provided are always legible.
4) Documents can be either stored or sent electronically.
5) Formatting is easy and features such as hyperlinks can be used.
6) Text is easy to redraft and reorganize.

With advantages also come disadvantages and some of them are as follows:

1) Data can be lost if the computer malfunctions.
2) Compatibility with different software. Some documents that are typed using a particular software may not be able to open on another computer that uses a different software or an older version of the same software.
3) A computer or printer is necessary in order to view the document.
4) Some functions may be to advanced for some learners to be able to understand.
5) Fast internet connection is needed for optimal use and for users without that, word processing functionality would be limited.
6) Some languages such Asian languages require hundreds of symbols and they are not easily accessed on a keyboard. Also, symbols are equations are easier to write as compared to creating them on a computer.
7) To use it, a computer and electricity are needed and if electricity goes, the user would be unable to continue doing his/her work.

In a classroom in Trinidad and Tobago, I think that word processing can be of benefit to all. It can be used for communication and collaboration. Both teachers and students can use it to create, save, share and read text.

Teachers can use it to create handout documents for the students about different topics they may be doing rather than writing on a board and have the children copy the information. This helps save a lot of time. Also teachers can use it to prepare tests for students and this also helps in saving time. The students would also be able to concentrate on doing the test as compared to wasting time in writing it from the board into their copybooks. Another way in which teachers can use word processing is that they could use it to teach different subjects while learning to use the keyboard. Such subjects include Spelling, Dictation and Creative Writing. The teachers could call out the information while the students type it using Microsoft Word. As for Creative Writing, they could use clip-art and chose pictures and write about it. This also helps them develop their typing skills while learning to write creatively. The students' work is also always legible.

Beside learning about the computer and learning how to type on a keyboard, students could also use word processing software for other reasons. They could use it to help develop their Spelling and Vocabulary skills. This can be done through Microsoft Word by using the features such as the thesaurus where they could learn the meanings of words, spell check to see how words are spelt if the are not sure and synonyms where they would learn about different words that are similar in meaning. For older students, they could use it to type up and create professional looking documents such as assignments and presentations.

Therefore as we can see, word processing can be used to enhance learning and help our children in Trinidad and Tobago once they are afforded the opportunity of gaining access to it.

Click the play button below to watch a video demonstration on using a word processor


Video Created by: Jamie Kokaram
Camera Girl: Kareema Karim
Orator: Jamie Kokaram
Demonstration: Fazeed Abdool

To get more information:


Wikipedia, the tree encyclopedia. (2010). Word Processing. Retrieved on March 10, 2010 from

Open Options. (2010). Examples in word processing. Retrieved on March 10, 2010 from

Wiki Answers. (2010). What are the features of word processing. Retrieved on March 10, 2010 from

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Desktop Publishing

Desktop Publishing Software is a tool for graphic designers and non designers to create visual communications for professional or desktop printing as well as for online or onscreen electronic publishing. Some examples of this type of software include, PageMaker, Quark XPress, MS Publisher and Adobe Creative Suite.

It is used to produce high-quality printed documents which can be done on a personal computer or workstation. It allows the user to use different typefaces, specify various margins and justifications, embed illustrations and graphics directly into the text. Some even allow the user to create illustrations example Adobe Illustrator. The user is also given more control over typographical characteristics such as kerning, (the adjustment of space between pairs of letters) and provide more support for full-colour output. This system allows the user to see exactly how a document will appear when it is printed on the display screen.

Within the classroom, this type of software can be used to the advantage of both the teacher and the students. For the teacher, it can be used to create signs and posters in the classroom which can be used to assist the students in the learning process and at the same time enhance the classroom. Also if the teacher has a new class, it could be used to create fun and interesting name tags for them. Databases of students information could also be created and merged into other documents to personalize items such as certificates and birthday cards for them.On a more educational note, it could be used to create lesson plans, worksheets, quizzes and tests in which the students could use.

For students in Trinidad and Tobago, due to the lack of funds to provide proper technological resources, it is difficult for them to gain access to this type of software. In the event that they giving the opportunity to use this software, it could used to create a varity of items that would benefit them. Some of these include, flyers, class newsletters and posters. These would be beneficial to them for it encourages them to be creative, which would directly lead them to becoming more motivated. Also, by creating flyers and newsletters, it helps them to improve and further develop their grammar, spelling and communication skills.

In order to use desktop publishing software effectively to produce such items, you must select the fonts you need carefully, one suggestion, the use of the font, Times New Roman. This is necessary so that the text would be clear making it easy to read. It is also suggested that different fonts be used for titles and text. White spaces within the text is also important to avoid overcrowding so that readers would be able to grasp the information quicker and more easily. Another tip is that the use of graphics must be used carefully to correctly illustrate what the information is stating and also the use of visual cueing such as bullets and shading is recommended to attract the reader's attention.
Desktop publishing software is therefore a very useful software and if provided in all schools throughout Trinidad and Tobago, it would be of benefit to both teachers and students.

For more information on Desktop Publishing
To view a video on Desktop Publishing click here

To Check out Adobe's full range of Creative Software click here


Internet video:

Markharoldvillanueva. (2007, September). Desktop Publishing. [Video File].
Retrieved from


Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2010). Adobe Creative Suite 4. Retrieved on February 22, 2010 from

Jacci Howard Bear, Guide. (2010). What is Desktop Publishing. Retrieved on February 22, 2010 from

Jacci Howard Bear, Guide. (2010) Desktop Publishing Lesson Plans. Retrived on February 22, 2010 from

Monday, February 1, 2010

Educational software is computer software whose primary purpose is teaching or self learning. There are many types of educational software but the one I chose to discuss is presentation programs.
A presentation program is a computer software package. It is used for displaying information, normally in the form of a slide show using a powerpoint presentation. Typically, the presentation program includes three major functions and they are as follows:
1) An editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted.
2) A method for inserting and manipulating graphic images.
3) A slide show system to display content.
A presentation program such as powerpoint, which has been in existence for twenty years and is still the leading presentation software, can be used to help both teachers and students. It benefits teachers in that they would have easier access to their ideas and also it saves them time and money in that they no longer would have to spend money and take time to make charts which would be used to enhance their lessons. As for the students, they would have visual information which would compliment whatever the teacher is discussing.
Using presentation programs such as powerpoints to teach, is a new and interesting strategy as compared to the old "chalk and talk" method. It creates a more energised and interesting classroom setting. When this happens, students tend to be more interested and in turn will pay more attention to what is being taught allowing more learning to take place.
Using powerpoint presentations also cater for children who learn better through seeing things as compared to just listening. Powerpoint presentations clearly displays information for the children to read, comprehend and remember.
Using presentation programs also help children in a class learn about technology and how they could use it to benefit themselves. This could be done through group work which promotes social interaction, where the children themselves would have to use the computer and become knowledgable about the powerpoint program in order to create a presentation. For the older children, it gives them the opportunity to practice doing presentations and build confidence while doing it. This would benefit them for the future in the world of work. Presentations also help children develop language skills.
Presentation programs, more specifically powerpoint presentations are relevant and suitable in a classroom environment for it makes learning more interesting, interactive and fun for children which would directly benefit both teachers and their students.