Monday, February 1, 2010

Educational software is computer software whose primary purpose is teaching or self learning. There are many types of educational software but the one I chose to discuss is presentation programs.
A presentation program is a computer software package. It is used for displaying information, normally in the form of a slide show using a powerpoint presentation. Typically, the presentation program includes three major functions and they are as follows:
1) An editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted.
2) A method for inserting and manipulating graphic images.
3) A slide show system to display content.
A presentation program such as powerpoint, which has been in existence for twenty years and is still the leading presentation software, can be used to help both teachers and students. It benefits teachers in that they would have easier access to their ideas and also it saves them time and money in that they no longer would have to spend money and take time to make charts which would be used to enhance their lessons. As for the students, they would have visual information which would compliment whatever the teacher is discussing.
Using presentation programs such as powerpoints to teach, is a new and interesting strategy as compared to the old "chalk and talk" method. It creates a more energised and interesting classroom setting. When this happens, students tend to be more interested and in turn will pay more attention to what is being taught allowing more learning to take place.
Using powerpoint presentations also cater for children who learn better through seeing things as compared to just listening. Powerpoint presentations clearly displays information for the children to read, comprehend and remember.
Using presentation programs also help children in a class learn about technology and how they could use it to benefit themselves. This could be done through group work which promotes social interaction, where the children themselves would have to use the computer and become knowledgable about the powerpoint program in order to create a presentation. For the older children, it gives them the opportunity to practice doing presentations and build confidence while doing it. This would benefit them for the future in the world of work. Presentations also help children develop language skills.
Presentation programs, more specifically powerpoint presentations are relevant and suitable in a classroom environment for it makes learning more interesting, interactive and fun for children which would directly benefit both teachers and their students.


  1. this is something that taking over each and every classroom. and i believe this to be very useful for teaching nowadays as there are so much more a teacher can do on ppt to enhance learning.

  2. Hi Jaime technology is the way now and when all the presentation tools are used it makes learning more effective and fun. Great job and very informative.

  3. Everyone (well almost)in group I has had nightmeres about PPP after last semester, but thankfully, the software mentioned above will save students from facing the 'talk and chalk' method just only with a PPP. Great choice of software Jamie, i really enjoyed the various manipulations that can be undertaken with power point.

    p.s. if u r wondering about the nightmares; look at the comic posted on top...u'll figure it out :P

  4. Hey Jamie this was a great choice of software,it's efficient and it makes learning so much easier.
