Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Desktop Publishing

Desktop Publishing Software is a tool for graphic designers and non designers to create visual communications for professional or desktop printing as well as for online or onscreen electronic publishing. Some examples of this type of software include, PageMaker, Quark XPress, MS Publisher and Adobe Creative Suite.

It is used to produce high-quality printed documents which can be done on a personal computer or workstation. It allows the user to use different typefaces, specify various margins and justifications, embed illustrations and graphics directly into the text. Some even allow the user to create illustrations example Adobe Illustrator. The user is also given more control over typographical characteristics such as kerning, (the adjustment of space between pairs of letters) and provide more support for full-colour output. This system allows the user to see exactly how a document will appear when it is printed on the display screen.

Within the classroom, this type of software can be used to the advantage of both the teacher and the students. For the teacher, it can be used to create signs and posters in the classroom which can be used to assist the students in the learning process and at the same time enhance the classroom. Also if the teacher has a new class, it could be used to create fun and interesting name tags for them. Databases of students information could also be created and merged into other documents to personalize items such as certificates and birthday cards for them.On a more educational note, it could be used to create lesson plans, worksheets, quizzes and tests in which the students could use.

For students in Trinidad and Tobago, due to the lack of funds to provide proper technological resources, it is difficult for them to gain access to this type of software. In the event that they giving the opportunity to use this software, it could used to create a varity of items that would benefit them. Some of these include, flyers, class newsletters and posters. These would be beneficial to them for it encourages them to be creative, which would directly lead them to becoming more motivated. Also, by creating flyers and newsletters, it helps them to improve and further develop their grammar, spelling and communication skills.

In order to use desktop publishing software effectively to produce such items, you must select the fonts you need carefully, one suggestion, the use of the font, Times New Roman. This is necessary so that the text would be clear making it easy to read. It is also suggested that different fonts be used for titles and text. White spaces within the text is also important to avoid overcrowding so that readers would be able to grasp the information quicker and more easily. Another tip is that the use of graphics must be used carefully to correctly illustrate what the information is stating and also the use of visual cueing such as bullets and shading is recommended to attract the reader's attention.
Desktop publishing software is therefore a very useful software and if provided in all schools throughout Trinidad and Tobago, it would be of benefit to both teachers and students.

For more information on Desktop Publishing
To view a video on Desktop Publishing click here

To Check out Adobe's full range of Creative Software click here


Internet video:

Markharoldvillanueva. (2007, September). Desktop Publishing. [Video File].
Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6RErWiq9zo&feature=related


Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2010). Adobe Creative Suite 4. Retrieved on February 22, 2010 from www.adobe.com/products/creativesuite/?promoid=BQTIX

Jacci Howard Bear, About.com Guide. (2010). What is Desktop Publishing. Retrieved on February 22, 2010 from http://desktoppub.about.com/od/software/f/software.list.htm

Jacci Howard Bear, About.com Guide. (2010) Desktop Publishing Lesson Plans. Retrived on February 22, 2010 from http://desktoppub.about.com/od/lessonplans/a/lessonplans.htm


  1. i do believe this would be very beneficial & exciting to local classrooms, teachers ought to be made more aware of this software and how to use it

  2. Desktop Publishing is very advantageous for the teacher as it easily allows the teacher to create charts and even layout a professional looking exam paper. Personally i have used the adobe creative suite which is the industry standard in desktop publishing and it has made my work as a teacher much easier in designing the above mentioned items.

  3. Very informative. Never viewed Adobe Photoshop as a educational tool.

  4. More variety is always welcomed in my book! This software would be very handy in stimulating my audience. Very useful!

  5. I find this software support tool to be useful both in and out of the classroom.
